A friend of mine started a website about a year ago, and he tried all sorts of advertising to get people to visit.? Some of it worked, some did not, but at what cost and was it worth it?? If you ask him he will say no and I tend to agree.?
I agree because his website was for the sole purpose of selling products online and he was not a brick and mortar type business.? When he came to me for some advice I told him to scrap the advertising costs, landing page development costs and so on.? I told him what he really needed to do was get a higher PR.? He said ?are you talking about public relations??? I said no, what PR in the internet world means is page rank, specifically Google Page Rank.
He stood there like a deer in headlights and had no idea what I was talking about.? I am going to tell you what I told him.? First get to know what the Google PR is.? The Google Page Rank, PR for short, is the scale that ranks a website from zero to ten (with ten being the highest) as its importance for the topic (or the topic that Google deems it to be) it is about.? The higher your PR the higher up the ladder of search results you will appear when someone searches on keywords that are on your site.
He said, ?ok I understand, but how do I increase it??? I told him there are a variety of ways to do this but I recommend you do the three following exercise since they take up very little of your time and have the biggest impact.
The first way is to exchange links with similar websites or websites that are at least in the same realm of what you do.? For instance, he sold power tools for woodworking; therefore he should be exchanging links with woodworkers, websites about woodworking, and websites about how to use tools and so on.?? Exchanging links means that you will put a link to someone else?s website on your website and they will do the same for you.? It is more commonly known as a reciprocal link exchange.? I told him to contact no less than 5 websites everyday and request a link exchange and do not be surprised if you receive a no for an answer or do not get a response at all.? It?s just the nature of the internet.
Next I told him to partake in online discussions about woodworking, power tools or anything else related to the field.? I told him to visit message boards, social networks, and trade show websites.? When you join any of these sites chances are they allow you to have a signature line.? In that signature line you can enter in something like, ?Joe is the owner of XYZ power tools and can be found online at {web address here}?.? Every time you engage in a discussion and submit your post your signature goes along with it.? This does two things it gets a link to your website out there more often and allows others in the discussion group to take a look at your site.? If they like it, your prices or whatever it is your website is about, they will tell their friends and now your website has just gone viral.
?The final thing I told him was to become a writer.? He looked at me strangely and asked what I meant.? What I said was each day you need to write an article about power tools.? The article should informational and educational such as safety procedures for a table saw, or ten cool things to build with a router.? At the end of each article you will create what is called a resource box.? In this resource box (just like your signature line in discussion groups) you will let people know who you are and how they can get a hold of you.? Once that is complete submit your article to article directories.? They are free and they crave your articles because they have tens of thousands of visitors daily looking for your information.
So how do these three tips help increase your Google Page Rank?? Well simply put Google rates a website based its popularity around the Internet.? The more people talking about your website and more specifically, linking to it, the more favorably Google looks upon it and in turn your PR will increase.
There are a variety of tools out there where you can check what your Google Page Rank is at anytime.? Just do a search in Google for page rank checker and you will find a number of them.? They all basically work the same.? Just keep in mind Google indexes websites 2 to 4 times per year so do not be surprised if in January you are a PR of 2 and come May you are still a PR 2.? The Internet is large and it takes time for Google to index every single website.
About the Author:
Mr. Tucker is a regular contributor on Bukisa, an online community for writers that pays them for their articles.? You can also follow Bruce on Twitter.
Do not forget you can use this article on your own website or blog by simply copying and pasting the code from the ?Syndicate this Article? section located on the right.
A friend of mine started a website about a year ago, and he tried all sorts of advertising to get people to visit.? Some of it worked, some did not, but at what cost and was it worth it?? If you ask him he will say no and I tend to agree.?
I agree because his website was for the sole purpose of selling products online and he was not a brick and mortar type business.? When he came to me for some advice I told him to scrap the advertising costs, landing page development costs and so on.? I told him what he really needed to do was get a higher PR.? He said ?are you talking about public relations??? I said no, what PR in the internet world means is page rank, specifically Google Page Rank.
He stood there like a deer in headlights and had no idea what I was talking about.? I am going to tell you what I told him.? First get to know what the Google PR is.? The Google Page Rank, PR for short, is the scale that ranks a website from zero to ten (with ten being the highest) as its importance for the topic (or the topic that Google deems it to be) it is about.? The higher your PR the higher up the ladder of search results you will appear when someone searches on keywords that are on your site.
He said, ?ok I understand, but how do I increase it??? I told him there are a variety of ways to do this but I recommend you do the three following exercise since they take up very little of your time and have the biggest impact.
The first way is to exchange links with similar websites or websites that are at least in the same realm of what you do.? For instance, he sold power tools for woodworking; therefore he should be exchanging links with woodworkers, websites about woodworking, and websites about how to use tools and so on.?? Exchanging links means that you will put a link to someone else?s website on your website and they will do the same for you.? It is more commonly known as a reciprocal link exchange.? I told him to contact no less than 5 websites everyday and request a link exchange and do not be surprised if you receive a no for an answer or do not get a response at all.? It?s just the nature of the internet.
Next I told him to partake in online discussions about woodworking, power tools or anything else related to the field.? I told him to visit message boards, social networks, and trade show websites.? When you join any of these sites chances are they allow you to have a signature line.? In that signature line you can enter in something like, ?Joe is the owner of XYZ power tools and can be found online at {web address here}?.? Every time you engage in a discussion and submit your post your signature goes along with it.? This does two things it gets a link to your website out there more often and allows others in the discussion group to take a look at your site.? If they like it, your prices or whatever it is your website is about, they will tell their friends and now your website has just gone viral.
?The final thing I told him was to become a writer.? He looked at me strangely and asked what I meant.? What I said was each day you need to write an article about power tools.? The article should informational and educational such as safety procedures for a table saw, or ten cool things to build with a router.? At the end of each article you will create what is called a resource box.? In this resource box (just like your signature line in discussion groups) you will let people know who you are and how they can get a hold of you.? Once that is complete submit your article to article directories.? They are free and they crave your articles because they have tens of thousands of visitors daily looking for your information.
So how do these three tips help increase your Google Page Rank?? Well simply put Google rates a website based its popularity around the Internet.? The more people talking about your website and more specifically, linking to it, the more favorably Google looks upon it and in turn your PR will increase.
There are a variety of tools out there where you can check what your Google Page Rank is at anytime.? Just do a search in Google for page rank checker and you will find a number of them.? They all basically work the same.? Just keep in mind Google indexes websites 2 to 4 times per year so do not be surprised if in January you are a PR of 2 and come May you are still a PR 2.? The Internet is large and it takes time for Google to index every single website.
About the Author:
Mr. Tucker is a regular contributor on Bukisa, an online community for writers that pays them for their articles.? You can also follow Bruce on Twitter.
Do not forget you can use this article on your own website or blog by simply copying and pasting the code from the ?Syndicate this Article? section located on the right.
Planning is absolutely crucial here, even more when making gifts on the budget then when making gifts in general. What you can make will, obviously, depend on your budget: you usually need at least a bit of money for materials and, crucially, on your skill. But even if you don?t normally devote much time or effort to crafts, you can still make some memorable presents.
Spend some time thinking about who would appreciate what. People appreciate the effort and the thought that went into home made gifts, but only if the thought actually did go into them. Think about the giftee?s taste, lifestyle and interests. Make a list of people and enlist close family?s help with suggestions. START EARLY.
Really, I mean it. START EARLY. This way you will not only have time to actually make the things, but also will be much more likely to be able to pick up materials and other supplies for lower prices or even for free.
The reality of making hand-made things is that you will need to invest time: they are generally propositions for cash-poor, time-rich people, although some things (food, simple personalised items) are obviously quicker to make than others (woodwork, crochet, sewing).
Packaging is important: you can create mini-hampers with baskets, tins and boxes recovered from other products or bought in charity shops, car boot sales and similar. Cellophane from flowers or other gifts can be recycled, as can be bows, raffia and ribbons.
The best option as the skills are universal, and it?s the effort and presentation that counts although in all honesty it won?t necessarily be the cheapest cheap present. But a lot can be achieved by effort made while looking for a recipe and some finishing touches with packaging. Food is good for more generic presents, and especially to people who are not likely to encounter home baking a lot (busy bosses, old bachelors who don?t delight in cookery etc.).
Still, try to choose the best quality ingredients you can afford: it?s better to give a smaller quantity or size made with the best than a large one made with poor material.
Make a rich fruit cake that would keep for a longish time, wrap it in crinkly cellophane with a big bow (you can use raffia for more sophisticated recipients). If you want to save money, just make a mini one! Fruit cake is actually VERY easy to make: just follow a recipe (I am going to post my favourite one on Helium soon) and be patient while baking.
*Biscuits and cookies
Look up some unusual recipes, pack in a nice cardboard box (you can make one yourself) or just wrap in smart cellophane. Make if festive and luxurious: use butter, real vanilla, nuts and fruit, best chocolate. Put less in a package if you are pressed for money.
Easy (though not necessarily that cheap, but still fairly affordable) options include truffles, dried fruit (try prunes, candied orange peel, candied stem ginger) covered in chocolate, home made fudge or tablet (use good cream and a drop of whisky or brandy).
*Fruit products
This is the best option if you have your own fruit or are good at picking the fruit in the wild. It probably requires some planning as fruit is in season well before Christmas, although you can freeze the fruit and make the preserves later. Find or collect some smallish, pleasant looking jars, cover them with nice paper covers (you can cut your own lacey patterns in them), tie with a ribbon possibly recycled, or raffia, make effort with the label.
Try making some more sophisticated jams (plum with vanilla or cinnamon, pear with cloves, strawberry with a bit of white wine, hedge-picked blackberries), clear jellies for meat (redcurrant jelly with port, apple and rosemary, rowanberry and apple), pickle fruit (pickled pears are fantastic!) or make some elderflower, cherry or blackcurrant cordial.
People pay relatively a lot of money to get objects ?professionally? personalised, but a lot of the same can be done at home. It costs about 5GBP to get ?paint your own mug? set, but you can get a plain white mug for 50 pence and a set of acrylic paints in a pound shop (and one set of paints will do more than one mug!). Or get one ?paint your own? set, but use it to decorate more than one item of crockery.
I think it?s a great idea for kids: you can get a plain white mug, a vase or even a cup or a plate and get a set of acrylic paints suitable for painting on china and have your child (or yourself) decorate it and personalise for a particular person. The result can be used as a sentimental ornament, be practically useful as a desk tidy or even (with some care) be even used for coffee or tea!
Clothing can be easily personalised: a t-shirt, a scarf, a simple dress or an apron can be easily personalised and make special with help of cheap fabric paints or crayons. Again, the key is to get very cheap basic item (maybe even adapt a second hand one, or make at home); basic set of fabric pencils or pens and make more than one to make better use of your investment in pens. Another option is to get a transfer: you can get one on-line quite cheaply with an image of your choice.
Ideal for children, have them paint, draw or otherwise create a special picture for a family member. When finished, give it a bit of a lift with a white (or dark) background sheet, or maybe even use an old frame/glass to have it ready to put on a wall rather than just on the fridge! These can be picked up really cheaply at charity shops sometimes even for free, car boot sales and jumble sales.
Interesting techniques (for adults also!) include making a mosaic from coloured bits of paper, a collage from magazine pictures, a cut-out decorative pattern or a collage from fabric, feathers, seeds and dried flowers and leaves. Frame it with glass and you will be surprised at how good it can look! Play and experiment, don?t be afraid to try many times and you might surprise yourself.
If you need a book for inspiration and instruction, borrow one from a library, don?t buy one. Most libraries will have a good selection, and if not, you can get one ordered for free or very symbolic amounts. If you need it for longer, just keep renewing!
Another good and very cheap present is a story, part of a memoir or a poem written especially for a person. Print it out nicely and bind it (if several pages) or present in a cardboard folder.
Make a collage with photos that relate to your relationship with the recipient. Choose beautiful, funny, touching, important moments. Frame it (in a recycled frame) or present in a smart folder.
For a grandparent or another older member of a family, a good photo of children, grandchildren or a whole family, smartly printed and framed is a great present.
For anybody interested in family history, you can make a photo family tree. Make it decorative rather than just informative, select (and find) good photos.
Take a diary or calendar, and instead of getting one with ready made quotes or images, use your own. Think of something meaningful and personal for every month or every week.
There are so many useful and/or beautiful items that can be made by woodworkers that I feel a bit embarassed even including this section, but I wanted to make a point about materials.
If you dabble or even seriously engage in woodworking as a hobby (by woodworking I mean anything from wood turning to carving to carpentry and cabinet making), you might rely on professional hobby retailers and suppliers for your tools and materials.
Leaving tools aside at the moment, it?s really worth looking for sources of free or cheap wood. Depending what you do, and particularly the size of your objects, you can really find rather wonderful material completely for free easier for wood turners and carvers than for somebody needing clean and well seasoned planks for furniture making, but still worth a shot. Tree surgeons and park keepers are a good source of often unusual woods. Sawmills and carpentry workshops may provide interesting offcuts. And sometimes real gems can be found in a firewood pile!
The downside is that you need somewhere to store the wood, and that it needs to season, often for months if not years, before being used. But it can save a lot of money and provide fantastic pieces!
And if you are pushed for time and money, again, make things smaller: a cheese board/small chopping board, especially if made from solid, thick wood, will be welcomed by almost anybody. I have never heard anybody complaining about having too many chopping boards. Boxes and little bowls are good for keys, change, bits and pieces as well as nuts and sweets. And the most interesting bits of wood with the best figure can make fantastic pendants, brooches and bracelet components!
If you can knit, crochet or sew, you?ll probably have your own ideas: but just remember that you can give somebody as much joy with a smaller item (which will cost you less in materials) which is well thought out as with a larger one. My grandmother used to have crochet jewellery!
I hope this few ideas will start you on your way and provide inspiration. From your nearest and dearest to strangers, you can always find something suitable to make! It?s not that hard, though it requires time, thinking and effort. Also, you are pretty much guaranteed that your gift will be unique!
select: More Woodworking Articles
Source: http://www.nanscapes.com/tips-to-increase-your-google-page-rank/
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